
Fosters Fostering Fosters

This is interesting. Before coming to C.R.O.W., Lola lived in foster care for awhile when the city shelter discovered she was pregnant. She had her babies in foster care, and also took on a couple of orphaned kittens and nursed them alongside her own. When she and the 6-week-old kittens returned to the shelter, it was not a good experience. A nasty virus soon went around, and all of Lola's babies died, except for her foster babies who were later adopted.

Lola was never adopted, since for some reason tortoiseshell cats are less wanted than others in general. So, she ended up with C.R.O.W. Lucky for us, because she is a spunky, fun, and darling cat. And so much more.

It's been many months since her last nursling left her, and she has since been spayed. Apparently that's not going to stop her from mothering these little kittens, even though they aren't hers and she isn't making milk. (Although we won't be surprised if she re-lactates at this rate.) Look for yourself.



How lucky are Twiggy, Edie, and Ziggy (the black one--more about him later)?

All of these lovelies are ready for adoption.

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