All right, it's hard to keep up with the daily posting when the C.R.O.W. blogger is on the road. A blizzard has sidetracked the intent to return to routine, but hopefully we haven't lost you all for good.
The C.R.O.W. Rescue kitties are doing pretty well. Lucas is desperately missing his foster family (he didn't get to join TLC-needin'Rudy on the road trip), but is getting good care from the cat-sitter, and Twiggy, Mog, Mutter, Maya, Alice, and Jacob are following his lead. It's always fun when the smallest becomes the leader. Mama Mia is gorgeous and lovable and ready for any home we could throw at her, as are all the aforementioned kittens. Lola and Bubba have had some setbacks and are no longer available for adoption at this point, but they are safe and loved and will be back up for adoption soon.
C.R.O.W. Outreach programs are growing slowly, but are moving in the right direction. We need some volunteers to help us transport and insulate some old doghouses to provide shelter for some of our feral colonies this winter, and we're talking with Alpha Humane League about working together to do educational animal welfare presentations in the schools. We've had several informational articles published in the newspaper, and got lots of phone calls in reply, and are looking into offering some workshops over the winter. In addition, we are working on strengthening our connections with other animal welfare organizations in the area and with the community at large. And Whitney, C.R.O.W. founder and president, attempts to blog regularly.

C.R.O.W. Welfare is what we're all about. In addition to all of the above, we have contacts for TNR efforts and hope to have some good momentum going in that department by spring. We've stocked up on vaccinations for all the cats, and routinely refer people to spay/neuter programs sponsored by other organizations in the valley. We're always brainstorming new ways to reach out and help and welcome your input. Also, thanks to those who have donated food, money, doghouses, and time to C.R.O.W. We couldn't do it without you.
Our board has been meeting monthly, and VP Christie and Secretary Shay (Whitney's best friends and fellow board members) deserve a shout-out for their brainstorming and behind-the-scenes work at C.R.O.W. Thanks, guys! We have our business bank account (and are working through a Paypal snafu), have started on the non-profit application paperwork, and are working on our non-blog website.
Can you believe we're only 2 months old?

Sounds like things are really taking off. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteIf you need some help with your site or just have questions about stuff, feel free to keep my mom in mind. She does this for a living and has worked on two other non-profit rescue sites.
You have achieved a huge amount in a very short time. Well done and more power to you. The education projects sound very interesting indeed.
ReplyDeleteWhicky Wuudler
We'll keep that in mind, William. thanks so much for the tip.
ReplyDeleteWhicky, thanks. :)
have I been working??? damm that was easy ;)