For years over 130 feral cats have been living in the old buildings of the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center. Volunteers with Fail-Safe 4 Felines have been caring for them, feeding them, microchipping them, and getting them fixed. In the past year only 2 litters were born, both of which were pulled out by volunteers and quickly adopted out. They're good!
However, now the Los Angeles County animal control officers are trapping the cats with the intent of clearing out the entire colony. They have no plans to relocate them, but rather to have them killed. Fortunately, the battle has been raging between the county and the cats for long enough that Fail-Safe 4 Felines has gotten many of the cats microchipped.
When shelter staff scans the cats and get the information from the microchips, they call Fail-Safe 4 Felines who comes and bails them out. This won't get all the cats, so volunteer are also watching the animal control traps and then bailing out cats once they get brought in. In addition, they are doing some trapping of their own and have saved over a dozen cats.
Fail-Safe 4 Felines is working hard to prevent the mass killing of this feral colony and we applaud them for their efforts. The rescued cats are all getting adopted or going to foster homes. Some will go as mousers to a vineyard, and the rescuers hope that more people will step up to help out.

To any Californians reading, please consider fostering or adoptiong some of these cats, and call your senators today and encourage them to replace trap-kill methods with trap-neuter-release.
Senator Boxer 213 894 5000
Senator Feinstein (310)914-7300
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