These pictures do not begin to do him justice, but you should have seen the outtakes. In 3D, he's a combination of striking markings and adorable fluff. He charms everyone who walks in the door, his purr echoes off the walls, and he finds the smallest human nooks and crannies in which to tuck himself. (Keep your mind out of the gutter, please.)
Snuggling in the arms of a 6-year-old.

Really wanting the camera for himself.

Lucas is available for adoption. Good with cats, dogs, and kids, and would love LOTS of snuggle time. He is extremely attached to humans.
Lucas, you are beautiful and I' glad you are fulfilling your duty to pull faces at the camera or look away completely. Tip: You might wanna let them get just one full face cutesy picture, this will get you a home faster, if your lovely personality and purring don't work on future humans straight away!